jeudi 9 août 2012

Diving in Hawaii

The choice of dive sites throughout the Hawaiian archipelago is vast. On the island of Oahu in Hawaii, the choice of different dive sites around Honolulu and the island is very diverse. The various dives from some beaches, diving from a boat or diving on the wrecks of Oahu are numerous. During your stay in Hawaii, we hope you enjoy plainement this is the ultimate experience scuba diving in Oahu.

The south coast

The south coast is known for wreck diving wrecks such as the YO-257 and Sea Tiger just minutes by boat from the coast of Waikiki and Kewalo Boat Basin harbor. They count among the favorites dive sites for divers. Although a Current is there, the waters are rather quiet on that side throughout the year, thus allowing diving in superb condition.

On the East Coast

On the East Coast Dive sites of Honolulu are excellent, most of the divers who dive in Hawaii are agree that this is an inevitable dive site on Oahu. The wreckage Corsair or caves called China Walls will complement your adventure diving in Hawaii. It is common to see sea lions playing them on the website of China Walls, many divers love her sympatic mammals.

West Coast
The West Coast is very interesting. From the harbor Waianae Boat Harbor we have the opportunity to dive in lava tubes called Lava Tubes formed by volcanic lava there are thousands of years ago when a volcano ACIF Oahu. These lava tubes provide a unique system where corralien it's a real pleasure to dive. In Yokohama Bay it is common to find himself face to face with a dolphin, there is also the wreck of the Mahi Mahi Shipwreck. This wreck is always transited by turtles and rays, divers love this dive site.

The North Shore

The North Shore during the summer period which extends from June to September, we reach the north of the island by the H-1 freeway. There is excellent diving to be done from the beach and from boats. The North Shore is experiencing a winter sun and the ocean becomes very agitated, we do not go on this Island in winter, against what is ideal for surfers who love big waves

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