jeudi 9 août 2012

Technical Diving

In general it is possible to classify the various techniques of scuba diving depending on the technology used for diving. This classification is fundamentally oriented more or less chronologically, by the advent of different technologies allowing men to evolve under water:
Snorkeling or scuba diving, practiced by snorkelers and underwater hunters (but not specifically)
Depending on the type of suit used:
Scuba diving helmet to
Scuba diving rigid
Scuba diving - also say that scuba diving is the most common
Depending on the type breathing circuit used:
Diving with hookah (open circuit)
Scuba diving or mixtures (open circuit)
Diving with a rebreather (closed)
This article focuses on scuba diving, which is largely the most common worldwide since already the years 1950-60.
The open circuit gas are those who are expelled to the outside at each end of the plunger (bubble production).
The closed cycle gas remain in the diver's equipment and are "recycled" with each exhalation. The device eliminates some components of the exhaled gas, and introduced others to produce breathable gas again in the same supply circuit (little or no bubble production).

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